Informe de actividad 2019 del Hospital Saint John of God de Mabesseneh (Lunsar, Sierra Leona)

Informe de actividad 2019 Hospital SJG Mabesseneh
Informe de actividad 2019 Hospital SJG Mabesseneh

Os invitamos que veáis el informe de toda la actividad llevada a cabo por el Hospital Saint John of God de Mabesseneh durante el año 2019 y que acabamos de recibir del Hno. Michael.

Dear Friends, 

I have finally certified the 2019 annual report of the hospital and I am so delighted  to share with you all our story. Please feel free to send me any comments. I thank you all for taking your time to read  our story and feel free to share with friends I may not know. 

Have a blessed evening.

Br. Michael

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